Friday, February 10, 2012

Over 14,000 Students Introduced to Rugby in Las Vegas

Photo Credit: Jarrod Beckstrom (USA Rugby)
For the second year USA Sevens Rugby has partnered with schools in Clark County School District for the Adopt-a-Country program.  Last year over 14,000 kids participated, many of whom saw rugby for the first time in the weeks leading up to the tournament.

During the Adopt-a-Country program the USA Rugby team visited Glen Taylor Elementary School.  The enthusiasm for this event was contagious.  Chants of "USA" were ringing through the halls as players and students alike prepared to make our country proud. 

In preparation for their teams arrival, students across the Clark County School District were busy studying the geography, culture, and people of their "Adopted Nation."  But this was not your typical lesson as students were engaged by creative activities, including t-shirt design and essay contests.

Photo Credit: Jerry Heskel
Photo Credit: Jerry Heskel
At Martin Middle School, students perform Samoan dances for the Samoan Rugby team and the team decides to join in!

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