Monday, February 6, 2012

SuperBowl XLVI: American Football vs. Rugby

Did you ever watch a sport and think, "that sport is a lot like another sport I play?"  When I was watching the Superbowl yesterday, I kept thinking of the similarities between football and rugby. Check out the side by side comparison below!

                           Eli Manning Superbowl XLVI                         Richie McCaw Rugby World Cup 2011

American Football
What is it?:A ball game with intense physical aggression but with helmets and lots of protective clothing.A game with intense physical aggression but with little or no protective clothing.
Number of Umpires/Referees:1 plus six other referees3 and one video referee
Object of the Game/ Scoring:Object of the game is to score points by carrying the ball beyond the opponents touch line. (Each such instance is called a touch down).Object of the game is to score points by carrying the ball and place the ball down on the opponents touch line (called a Try) or kick it between the goal posts.
Field:120 yards (109.7 meters) long by 53.3 yards (48.8 meters) wide.100 meters long by 70 meters wide with 20-meter in try area.
Time limit:Four 15-minute quarters, with a half-time intermission after the second quarter. The game clock stops frequently between plays.Two 40-minute halves with a five-minute half time.
Major League:National Football League (NFL)All countries have own leagues (US league is known as Rugby Super League)
Ball:A football is a prolate spheroid which is about 11 inches (28 cm) long and about 22 inches (56 cm) in circumference at the centerA rugby ball is a prolate spheroid shaped football. The accepted international size is called the "size 5" and is approximately 27 cm long and 60 cm in circumference at its widest point.
Major Tournament:Super Bowl (Final of the NFL playoffs)World Cup (Rugby Union)
Current World Champions:New York Giants (2011-2012)New Zealand (Rugby Union World Cup)
Countries:Primarily USAWorldwide
Protective gear:Players wear heavy protective gear.Players are only allowed modest padding on Head, Shoulders, Collarbone etc
Substitution:UnlimitedUp to 7 substitutions allowed (depending on the tournament rules)
Number of players:11 players on the field at any point of time.Team consists of 15 players for Union

To learn more about rugby visit USA Rugby!

Original chart credit: Compare Anything

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